
Leaky GutWhat the panda has to do with it

A leaky gut translates to a perforated intestine. This means that the mucous membrane in the intestine is no longer tight and certain, unwanted food particles pass directly into the blood through this leaky wall. However, since these substances are not completely digested, they do not belong in the bloodstream and therefore trigger immune reactions.

How does it happen that the intestines become holey?

Fortunately, that doesn't happen overnight. Due to an imbalanced intestinal flora, the food is no longer properly digested. It stays in the intestines for far too long and produces putrefactive “porridge.” This is the perfect breeding ground for many unwanted bacteria, which feel very comfortable in it and at the same time displace the remaining good intestinal bacteria. This sludge produces toxic gases which change the composition of the intestinal mucosa. If too many inflammatory foods are eaten in this condition (too much milk protein, too much gluten), the mucous membrane becomes even more irritated and becomes severely inflamed. You can imagine what happens as something like the inflammation then “burns” the intestinal wall, so to speak. As a result, it slowly begins to regress and thus leads to increased permeability or holiness.

Everything that now enters our intestines via the mouth, such as animal hair, pollen, particulate matter, undigested food particles, etc. now goes directly into the bloodstream. If these components end up in the blood instead of in the stool, the body must defend itself against them. It boosts up the immune system and certain antibodies attach to these “foreign invaders” and mark them so that they are eliminated. We are thus permanently straining our immune system and leaching it out. This in turn weakens it and makes it less powerful for demanding times such as the cold season in winter.

What does the cute panda have to do with it

Nothing! 😉

The PANDA test is a laboratory diagnostic that can confirm the suspicion of leaky material. PANDA is abbreviated as: platelets analysed number in different anticoagulants. Meaning: Platelets analysed frequency in various blood thinners.

For those who are interested: In the PANDA test, the blood taken is diluted with heparin and citrate and the number of platelets in one liquid is compared with that of the other liquid. If there is no leaky substance, then the number of platelets in both liquids is the same. If there are different numbers, a leaky substance is confirmed from a diagnostic point of view.


Leandra Isler von der Praxis für Atlaslogie und Naturheilkunde

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