

In phytotherapy, various medicinal plants are used to treat a variety of diseases. The forms of treatment can be varied, from medicinal plant teas and baths to compresses and inhalations.

The art of medicinal plants

An integral part of modern medicine

Although phytotherapy originated in naturopathy, it is now firmly anchored in conventional, science-based medicine. More than 20,000 different plant species are used globally to produce medicines.

The holistic nature of the plant

In phytotherapy, emphasis is placed on the entire plant. All parts of the plant, from leaves, flowers and fruits to roots and stems, can be used for remedies.

Quality over quantity

The effectiveness of herbal remedies depends heavily on the quality of the raw materials used. In addition to the active ingredient content, the dosage form is also an important factor for the quality and effectiveness of herbal preparations.

Phytotherapy in transition

Evolution of modern phytotherapy
People such as Pastor Kneipp and Dr. Rudolf Fritz Weiß have brought phytotherapy into the modern age. Dr. Weiss, for example, laid the foundation for the first chair of phytotherapy in Germany and contributed to the scientific validation and acceptance of this healing method.

Scientific research and pharmacognosy
Phytotherapy is closely intertwined with the research field of pharmacognosy, which focuses on the chemical analysis of herbal substances. In some cases, the active ingredients are isolated and used separately, which can have different and potentially risky effects in high doses. There are also numerous drugs in conventional medicine that are based on herbal ingredients.

Time, costs and deadlines

Time and costs

You can expect around 60 minutes per appointment. The hourly rate is 120 CHF/h and is billed according to effective time spent.

Attention: Until I graduate as a naturopath (May 2025), health insurance only covers foot reflexology services. You can find more information about this here.


I would like to point out to you that appointments at least 48 hours before the agreed appointment must be cancelled so that you do not incur any costs. Should a cancellation be made later, the costs will unfortunately be charged. Thank you for your understanding and I hope you take this into account so that I can make the best possible time schedule and use my resources effectively.

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