
nitrosative stressThe silent inflammatory factor and its effects


Nitrosative stress refers to the increased formation of oxidized nitrogen radicals and their much more aggressive metabolite, "peroxynitrite." This chemical reaction creates a vicious cycle that triggers various cell-damaging processes.

What do these cell disturbances look like?

Basically, the cells are no longer functioning as they should:

  • Cells that produce hormones do not work properly, leading to hormonal disorders.
  • Brain cells that create neurotransmitters (like serotonin, dopamine, etc.) do this inadequately, which can result in various mental health or depressive disorders.
  • Brain cells responsible for producing melatonin for healthy sleep generate too little melatonin, which can cause sleep problems.
  • Cells that should produce detoxifying substances do this too little, leading to a lack of detoxification in the body, resulting in "self-intoxication" (where the body poisons itself).

What triggers this nitrosative stress and its vicious cycle?

  • Viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections
  • Physical trauma, especially in the head and cervical spine
  • Instabilities in the cervical spine ("dancing Dens axis")
  • Severe psychological trauma
  • Medications (antibiotics, statins, beta-blockers)
  • A diet high in carbohydrates and nitrates (smoked foods)

Why do these triggers lead to such complex nitrosative stress?

Understanding why a single viral infection, a whiplash injury, or even severe psychological trauma can lead to this vicious cycle is not straightforward.

These one-time events trigger a chain reaction. "Peroxynitrite" is a toxic molecule that initiates this chain reaction. It forms when nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide (O2−) come together. During infections like Covid, EBV, or the flu, certain enzymes (like iNOS) are activated, producing more NO, which leads to more peroxynitrite. This peroxynitrite damages enzymes that normally neutralize harmful molecules (like superoxide dismutase). As a result, even more harmful substances are created, triggering a cycle of cell damage, often initiated by a "single" triggering event, which usually affects an already dysregulated body.


What are the symptoms of nitrosative stress? Often, they present as "diffuse" symptoms, such as:

  • Lack of energy
  • Pain
  • Depressive moods/depression
  • Sleep problems
  • Digestive issues
  • Symptoms of paralysis, etc.

Often, nitrosative stress is associated with the following diagnoses:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome)
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Allergies
  • Depression and anxiety disorders
  • Chronic sleep disturbances

Although the role of nitrosative stress in these disease processes is not yet fully understood scientifically, it should always be considered as a potential contributing factor for these conditions.

As a naturopath, I am here to assist you in this process to find ways to manage nitrosative stress. Together, we will develop strategies to break the vicious cycle and sustainably improve your quality of life.

Leandra Isler von der Praxis für Atlaslogie und Naturheilkunde

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