Nutrition – The evil sugar

We probably all know that excess sugar is not beneficial to our health.
However, it is usually not known why this is the case and how best to deal with sugar consumption. Sugar, such as classic white table sugar, but also raw sugar, date sugar, etc. enter the bloodstream fairly quickly. They lead to an energy surge followed by a drop in blood sugar, which we experience as a low. Only malted barley, brown rice syrup and coconut sugar enter the bloodstream more slowly and do not provoke such a sharp rise and fall in blood sugar levels. All other types of sugar apart from white table sugar still contain a few more nutrients, but this is negligible and should not be eaten more because of this.
Fructose, i.e. fructose, is the biggest culprit among the types of sugar. What most people don't know is that white table sugar consists of 50% fructose. A molecule of white table sugar consists of a molecule of glucose, i.e. dextrose, and a fructose, i.e. fructose, molecule. When white table sugar is digested, these two components are split.
The split glucose is relatively harmless. It is the basic building block for starch, i.e. for all carbohydrates. However, split fructose is the harmful part of sugar. Fructose reacts much faster with proteins in its environment and can therefore damage blood vessels in the blood (as they also consist of proteins). Because fructose is therefore “dangerous,” it is disposed of via the liver as quickly as possible. The resulting waste products (e.g. so-called “uric acid”) are problematic for the body. As a result, it can lead to poor blood lipid levels, obesity, joint pain, liver damage and other problems. Fructose is therefore about as toxic to the liver as alcohol. The long-term effects of fructose on the human body are largely the same as that of alcohol. In this context, we speak of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which affects many people today without knowing it.
In addition, fructose pretends that the body is starving and therefore increases the appetite. Which is also not particularly beneficial if you want to lose weight.
This knowledge brings us to this conclusion: Get rid of sweeteners that consist of fructose! No agave syrup (90% fructose) or even sweet drinks or other finished products that have been sweetened with glucose-fructose syrup.
artificial sweeteners
Various sweeteners deceive the body by causing metabolic stress and have a negative effect on our intestinal flora. Another problem with foods “without calories” is that they don't satiate. This means that at some point, the body gets messed up with “full” and “hungry.” That is why we are smart and eliminate all “light”, “diet” and finished products enriched with these substances from our lives!
Which sugar is best now?
The sugar consumption with the least side effects is that which contains the smallest amount of sugar. Because there isn't really a good sugar substitute. The best way is therefore to reduce sugar consumption permanently. The good thing is that the taste buds on your tongue get used to less and less sugar over time and the longer they crave less for it.
Make your own desserts and use half of the sugar specified in the recipe. It still tastes sweet enough.
Prepare your main meals yourself. Enrich them with lots of interesting herbs and spices. Because after a boring meal, we often feel more in the mood for sweets afterwards.
Pay attention to your psychological well-being and a balance of all areas of your life. Because an intense desire for sugar usually doesn't come without reason. Where in life do you lack the sweetness that is trying to compensate?
If it's allowed to be sugar, these are the favorites: sugar, maple syrup or honey. Sugar is probably just about the most honest sweetener because the body is simply good at handling it. He knows and “understands” sugar. This means that we also use correct, “normal” table sugar from time to time, in moderation and without a guilty conscience. Maple syrup is a favorite sweetener, as it contains a few minerals that are not found in white sugar, and its liquid form makes it easy to use it for desserts, cereals, etc. And as always, the motto is: pay attention to the highest possible quality!

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